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 31. What is "San-Jie, Shi-Fang"?

 "San-Jie" literally means “Three Worlds”. From the prospective of time the Three Worlds are the World of Wu-Ji, the World of Tai-Ji, and the World of Current. From the prospective of space the three worlds are the World of Heaven, the World of Earth, and the World of Water. From the prospective of levels of progress they are the World of Desire, the World of Forms, the World of Beyond Forms..

 "Shi-Fang" refers to ten directions in space; they are the commonly known eight directions plus up and down directions.

 32. What is "Si-En, San-You"?

 The meaning of "Si-En" is ‘four-graciousness”. They are, the graciousness given by Heaven and Earth, the graciousness given by the Emperor, the graciousness given by one's parents, and the graciousness given by one's masters of knowledge. These are the graciousness one must remember and try to repay.

 "San-You', are the three haves. They are the ones who have compassion, the ones who have wisdom and the ones who have special connections (to us). These are the ones we need to be close with.

 33. What is "San-Gui, Wu-Jie"?

 "San-Gui" means the three conversions: conversion to the Dao, conversion to Taoist Canons and conversion to Taoist masters. It is also called conversion to the "three treasures".

 "Wu-Jie" are the "Five don'ts". They are: do not kill, do not steal, do not perform sex, do not speak lies and unfounded words, do not drink alcohol, eat animal parts and other unclean food.  

 These are the rules must be accepted and followed when becoming a Taoist.

 34. What are "San-Ye", "Liu-Gen" and "Liu-Chen"?

 "San-Ye" means three sins. They are the sins committed by the body, the sins committed by the mouth, and the sins committed by the mind.

 "Liu-Gen" are the six perceptual organs. They are the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tong, the heart and the mind.

 "Liu-chen" are the six kinds of matters perceived. They are the seen, the heard, the smelled, the tasted, the felt and the methods of spiritual progress.

 "Liu-chen" can pollute "Liu-Gen" and lead one to wrong path of cultivation.

 35. What are "San-Zhang" and "Shi-E"?

 "San-Zhang" are the "Three Barriers" prevent one from attaining higher Taoist achievement. They are the barrier by Evils, The barrier by one's Sin, and the barrier by disasters. The barrier by Evils originates from one's lusts and desires. The barrier by sins arises from one's bad deeds. The barriers of disaster are mishaps of the nature.

 "Shi-E" are the "ten wicked". They are (omitted here)

  36. What are "San-Tu" and "Wu-Ku"?

 "San-Tu" in Daoism means three special places. These are the most horrify places in the all universes. They are the place in hell where the blaze of death burns, the place in hell where the animals cannibalize each others, and the place in hell where hungry ghosts facing the swords and slaughtering.

 "Wu-Ku" means five types of misery. They are the misery of falling into hell blades, the misery of falling into hell sword trees, the misery of falling into hell burning copper pillars, the misery of falling into hell boiling liquid, the misery of falling into hell of oceans filled with man eating beasts.

 37. What are "San-Zai" and "Ba-Nan"?

 "San-Zai" means "three disasters" which are the wind disaster, the fire disaster and the water disaster.

 "Ba-Nan" means "eight difficulties". They are, (1) To be born a human instead of others; (2) To be born a man instead of a woman; (3) To be born healthy and all parts complete; (4) To be born in China; (5) To be born when a wise Emperor is ruling; (6) To be born with a heart of kindness and generosity; (7) To be born at a time of peace; (8) To be able to come across the "Three Treasures".

 In book "Yun Ji Qi Qian", there is another explanation of the "Ba-Nan" : (1) Will not changes one's mind on search the Dao; (2) Able to study from the real masters of Dao; (3) Will not stay comfy and lazy; (4) Staying away from secular affairs; (5) Staying away from secular love and sentiment; (6) Staying away from greed and desires; (7) Staying away from joy and anger; (8) Staying away from sex and erotica.

 38. What are the "Wu-Xing" and their relationships?

 "Wu-Xing" are the basic "five elements" of the universes, and the interaction between the five elements creates and moves this world forward. The "five elements" are Metal, Wood, Earth, Fire and Water. There are two basic types of relationships among these elements, to create and demolish.

 Water creates Wood, Wood creates Fire, Fire creates Earth, Earth creates Metal, and Metal creates Water. Water demolishes Fires, Fire demolishes Metal, Metal demolishes Wood, Wood demolishes Earth, Earth demolishes Water.

 In Daoism, these elements and their relationships are assigned many meanings. For instance, they have been used to monitor human organs and their functions.

 39. What are "Ba-Gua"?

 "Ba-Gua" are the eight "Hexagrams". They are "Qian", "Kan", "Gen", "Zhen", "Xun", "Li", "Kun", "Dui". "Qian" represents the sky or Heaven, "Kun" represents the earth or land, "Gen" represents the mountain, "Zhen" represents the thunder, "Xun" represents the wind, "Li" represents the fire, "Kan" represents the water, "Dui" represents the lake or marshland.

 These concepts were invented by an ancient Emperor called "Fu-Xi". They are the building blocks of Daoism philosophy. 

 40. What are the five kinds of immortals?

 They are Heavenly Immortals, Celestial Immortals, Earthly Immortals, Humanly Immortals and Ghostly Immortals.

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